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Dear Lisa,
I am of the opinion that sanctions on trade are necessary because they are
called for "from within the immediate sphere of conflict and from those who
suffer the oppression". This may, in the long term, prove to be non
productive; but anything else would be another form of oppression. Like
feeding a person bread when they ask for water because they are dying of
It is always much easier to suggest "best" solutions when we are not at the
coal face of the situation.  We become emotionally attached to our opinions
and indulge in ideological debates.

There are many good hearted people with diverse and disparate views on how
to solve the problem.  Each sees it differently.  We cannot afford to keep
arguing for supremacy of solutions but realise that all different ideas
contribute to network of activities collaborating for a common outcome; in
this case, the dispatch of SLORC.

This person sounds like a good hearted person and there is "some truth" in
what is said.  External boycotts will not suffice without courageous and
intelligent leadership within Burma.  Neither will purely internal efforts
bring about a satisfactory resolution.  The world today  is profound in its
interconnectivity. We can no longer demarcate boundaries defining internal
affairs and external affairs.  SLORC does not survive without external
assistance (China, Thailand, Malaysia etc....).  Lasting solutions are
always questionable.  How long is it to last?  Historically, has there been
any such thing as lasting?  We live in a temporal world, creation and
destruction are cyclic, non-negotiable, and inevitable.  We have the tiger
by the tail. We can ride it or be dragged along.

Lets value good hearted people even if they have different ideas.  How we
value, relate, and collaborate will give birth to the outcome that is to be.

In peace and love,