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DKBO attacks

BRC-J has received news that around midnight last night DKBO attacked Wan
Kha (Huaykalok) camp, burning down much of the camp.

At the same time Huay Bon Camp (22 kms north of Mae Sot) was also attacked
and apparently partially burned.

According to reports we just got, Mae La (Baegalaw) Camp was also targetted,
with fighting continuing and transport cut.  Rumors have it that at least
five people were killed early in the fighting there.  

Obviously the roads in the Mae Sot area are not secure!

We have no news of Maw Kel, Ta Pwe Po or Mae Ra Mu Klo camps but are very

It appears that the Thai Border Patrol Police have not acted to protect
these camps.  

We will appreciate close monitoring of the situation and regular up-dates
from all sources.

Does there need to be increased international pressure on the Thai
government to furnish adequate protection?  

With metta,
