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Even though I live peacefully and freely in my second home land in the
United States of America, I can hardly quench my heart' s burning desire
for peace for my fellow countrymen in Burma. I beleive it is not very 
difficult to unite all the different nationalities in Burma if the people
in power set aside greed and gratification for power and riches and learn
the ever changing world of to day and try to adapt to it..
Well let me begin with the British Colonial rule of Burma. There is no
question about the bad about any colonial rule and British Regime is not
exception. During the British Colonial rule any English man had to be
addressed as "Tha Khin" meaning Master regardless of how high or how low
the rank of the person is. To counter that kind of discremination a group
of conscientious Burman formed "Tha Khin Ah Thin" and called themselve
Tha Khin as well. In the Armed Forces, there were two classes, namely
British rank and Indian rank. There were only two officer ranks namely "
Jamedar and Subadar"in Indian rank and Indigenous officers were never
been promoted beyond the rank of Subadar. The pay were also vast
different although they did the same job and performed same duty. British
Officer Clubs were not accessible to Indigenous race officers. The
Britons ruled Burma some what like Apartheid Regime of South Africa.
During aproximately seven decades of their rule, the British took away
all the rich natural resourses such as timber, tin, wolfram, rubber,
rice, oil etc. to fill their needs and to enrich themselve. In return
they gave considerable stable Government and peaceful situation for the
people of Burma. As I was brought up in rural country side as a village
boy, I had not heard about any complaint from the people at that time
that British Rule is oppressive and discreminatory. Never the less I
later learnt that no Colonial Rule is good for the people of Burma. They
all stole the rich natural resources from the country which they rule and
discreminate the indigenous races. 
Let me also review a short period of three years rule of the Japanese
Military Regime in Burma. During that time, the people all over the
country were conscripted as forced laborers but people from villages
which were out of way and from villages far away from railway lines and
motor roads were less affected. The military personel supervised the work
force and they were physically very much abusive. Their notorious
method was hard slapping of the workers'  face on both cheeks. Any worker
could hardly escape that kind of brutality may be some times stemed from
miscommunication or temperamental atitute and superiority complex 
possesed by the soldiers. The notorious project  the Japanese caried out
which used extensive forced labor was building of Railway line from Than
Byu Zayat  through Paya Thone Zu pass which would connect Burma and Thai
Land. Many workers died due to extremely bad weather condition and hash
environmental situation. Workers mostly died of diseases

such as malaria and diarrhea for lack of nutritious foods and madical
care. It was also known as the death camp, because many people who had
been conscripted did not come home.
After Independence, the people of Burma were looking forward to enjoying
the fruits of 
freedom and liberty, but the dream was shattered by civil war which had
been raging for 50 years. Had the people in power were and are wise
enough and sincere, I beleive the people of Burma could have enjoyed the
fruits of modern prosperity  with freedom and liberty.
Before I go to the Burma Military Regime let me discuss some of the flaws
that I see as 
discreminatory to the indigenous minorities. After Independence, KNDO
started revolution under the guidance of KNU. At that time there were
many Karen high ranking officers in the Armed forces. As many of them had
been trained by the British, some beleived that politic was not their
career of choice and involving in politic was crime for 
civil servant. They were still loyal to the Government. Be it Colonial
Ruler or Independent Ruler. Unfortunately, the only Karen General Smith
Dunn was forced to retire and his PA Ne Win was made General. Air Force
cheif Samuel Shee Sho was also forced to retire. Many Karen officers and 
enlisted men who did not choose to rebel 
against the Government were brought back to Rangoon and interned at the
Royal Lake 
Armed Forces Rest Camp. There were about one hundred officers ranging
from Lt. to 
Lt. Colonel and 3,000 enlisted men and their families. The camp was
surrounded by highwire,in addition to the camp being surrounded by water.
Two gates were established to check in coming and out going of visitors
as well as Armed Forces personnel. Soldiers need out pass to go out but
they could not stay over night. It was some what like American Japanese
who were interned at different camps after Pearl
Harbor was bombed  by the Japanese Imperial Air Force. The United States
Government apologized for the wrong doing to the American Japanese and
each being
compensated with $20,000.00 for the wrong doing. The Burmese Government
had neither apologize nor compensated to the loyal Karen officers and
enlisted men. After three years of internment 7 officers and less than
100 enlisted men were reinstated. The rest of officers and enlisted men
were dismissed. In the Civil services also racial 
discremination was implemented. Among Karen officers who had been
reinstated only one officer climbed up to the rank of Colonel. The rest
were majors and below. Two majors died while performing their duties in
the battle field. Now let us see the Burma Military Regime. There is no
minority people in the SPDC. There are many minority people such as Chin,
Kachin, Shan, Wa, Palaung, Karenni, Karen, Mon, RaKhine etc. and how  can
you exclude these people from taking part in the Government which decide
their future social, economic and polotical affairs! It is therefore no
wonder when KNU made press release, General Bo Mya declared that  we are
fighting for not only class discremination but also for racial
discremination while NLD is fighting only for class discremination. I
beleive this concept  is shared by many  other ethnic minorities 

as well.
As mentioned earlier, British colonial rule and Japanese Military Regime
were bad enough for the people of Burma. Now let us examine how bad is
the Burma Military Regime compared to the British Colonial rulers and the
Facist Japanese Military regime. 
1/  When the University Students protested against slavery education
during the British Colonial  rule, the mounted police tried to quell and 
disperse the students. In the ensuing battle, the mounted police clubbed
down the student leader Bo Aung Gyaw  to death,  but when  Rangoon
University Students protested during the Ne Win era,  Student Historical
Union Building was detonated and demolished with hundreds of students
perished in side the building.
2/  When students, civil servants and people from all walks of life
demonstrated and tried to verbalised their greivances peacefully in
Aigust,  1988  the Military Regime answered  their call with life
bullets, killing approximately 3,000 of them in Rangoon
city alone. No such manitude of anger raised and no such dimension of
killings happened during the British Colonial days and under the Japanese
Military Regime.
3/  The British were famous for their cleverness in ruling the country 
for implementation of divide and rule Policy. It may be true but it was
not as significant as the Burma Military Regime. In 1967, many innocent
Chinese were killed by Burmans with Military personels doing nothing to
stop it or prevent it. A few years ago over 30 Muslim mosques were
destroyed by imitation Budhist monks. It was widely beleived that  M I S
personnels, dressed in Budhist Monks robe, instigated the rioting between
Budhist and Muslims. Very recently, in Pegu or Pago, M I S personnels
clad in the monk robe tried to instigate riot between Muslims and
Budhists. Never the less the people recognize the imitation monks from
the real ones and chased them away. The muslims thanked the people for
their cooperation and help for preventing another rioting and
destruction. In fighting the KNU, the Regime tried todivide Budhist from
Christian and formed Proxy DKBO. It also formed a new Karen Army with
Colonel Saw
Tha Mu Hai to combat KNU. The Regime also tried to negotiate with
separate KNU brigate to weaken the resistant group.  The same evil method
is being applied to divide the NLD as well. When the Regime failed to
divide the NLD, it resort to forced closure of NLD offices all over the
country. At the same time NLD members and parliamentary representatives
were forced to resign. Beyond that the Regime forced the civil servants
and organizations to rally against  NLD and renounce NLD activities.
4/  During British colonial rule, porters were used  in difficult terrain
where  transportation were not available. Porters were paid with
prescribed rate.  The Military Regime used forced laborers extensively
through out the country ,beat them up, kill them and leave them in the
jungle to be dead when they  are not able to perform their tasks. Even
the facist Japanese Military Regime was not as cruel as the Burma
Military Regime.
5/   During the British Colonial rule, I heard about patriotic Saya San
rebellion and the quelling of the organization but I had not heard about

any thing that the villages were destroyed and villagers were forced to
relocate. During the Burma Military Regime, whole sale destruction of
villages and food crops had become wide spread in the minority areas
while trying to quell the minority resistant groups. Beyond that minority
villagers were raped, tortured and killed
6/  During colonial Rule, farmers were poor because money lenders such
Indian national chattiah were lending money with big interest and when
borrowed money  could not be repaid , farmers' lands were being
confiscated. Burma Military Regime forced farmers to sell their farm
products with very low fixed price, leaving only
just enough foods to survive for their family consumption. Farmers do not
have the chance to sell their surplus farm products at bargain price.
Besides, when the Regime needs land for infra structure or building of
motor roads or railway lines, they just confiscated the farmers' land
with out compensation to the farmers.
7/  In Colonial days criminals who served their terms were released and
even paid their travel expenses home, but some criminals who have served
their terms during Burm Military Regime are again picked up by the
soldiers and sent to the front line to serve the Burma Army as porters. 
8/  During Colonial Rule, I had not heard about innocent villagers were
raped, tortured and killed, but those kinds of abuse is wide spread and
rampant in the minority people areas.  This kind of crime of humanity is
solely committed by the Burma Army.. .
9/  During British Colonial rule you can travel  freely any where you
want at will but during the Burma Military Regime even ordinary people
has to carry identity card. Traveller who do not carry or forget to carry
identity card is stopped and questioned as though he/she is insurgent or
corroborator of insurgent. For politician of opposition party travel is
extremely restricted. We can still see the fortnight long ordeal how Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi had gone through while trying to reach her party
10/  I have never heard about " Free Fire Zone" during the British
Colonial rule but "Free  Fire Zone" established by local Burma Army
Military Commander in the minority people areas has become a common
practice and soldiers act as though they have obtained license to kill
minority people at will like hunting wild animals. 
11/  To build Railway lines and Motor roads the British imported Indian
nationals as hard laborers, but to build roads, railway lines and infra
structure project the Burma Military catch every able body including
under aged as well as women and the elderly persons. Still the Regime
tried to lie to the world that labor is voluntary and the West  fail to
understand the diversity of Asian Culture.
12/  During the Colonial Rule minority cildren were able to learn their
language in school but the Burma Military Regime do not allowed minority
languages to be taught in school. Ironically, last year I read about
Chinese news paper appeared in Rangoon. I am just wondering if SPDC allow
Chinese language to be taught in Chinese school or what ever school is.
13/  During Colonial days police did not make arrest with out warrant but

MIS  woke up NLD members in the middle of the night and made arrest with
out warrant.
14/  Political prisoners in Colonial days were being treated nicely and
kept separately from irdinary criminals but MIS tortured political
prisoners in many ways that scores died in captivity. 
Many countries in the world have experienced the displeasure of being
under the Colonial rules and no body appreciated it because the Rulers
discreminate and oppressed the native indigenous people in one way or
another. Never the less when you compare the Colonial Rule to that of the
Burma Military Regime, the Regime score many many times ahead of the
colonial Rule in terms of oppression and tyrany. The Burma Military
Regime even out  pass the Facist Japanese Military Regime. This is how I
see it and I beleive the MIS and the Burma Army know better in terms of
torture and indiscreminate killings because they are the ones who get
involved physically and have done it.
                       Now let me discuss how the Burma Military Regime
try to rule the country like old Monarchy days when the Burman king tried
to unite the country by force. The lame excuse SPDC always used to
justify their hanging on to power is to prevent the country from
disintegration and they tried to force each and every ethnic minority
as well as the opposition force to come under their boots so that no body
will dare to utter the slightest criticiasm against them and the country
is unified. When king Anaw Ratta conquered Mon land and brought back Mon
King and his retinues together with Budhist Holy Scripture he was hailed
as far sighted and hero for uniting the country and spreading Budhist
religion. But when you look it from the Mon people's perspective it is a
painful picture which deprived them of their glorious days and dignity.
Again when Burman king U Aung Zeya annexed and conquered Mon kingdom of
Hanthawaddy more than 3,000 mon learned monks were beleived to have been
So, the method SPDC is trying to unite the country is the century old
system by force which do not fit into modern day era. How can you pull
the country back to 12-18 century? It is time for SPDC to look around and
see what is going on and learn some
thing out of it. Nigeria Military Ruler promised free election. China
directed its Military Establishment to reduce its involvement in
Business, Thailand ordered its military  not to get involved in politics
but to concentrate on soldiering and Indonesia promised reform and draw
group of specialist to draft constitution. It also promised withdrawal of

troops from East Timor. These reforms may not meterialize right away but
at least it is moving forward to democretic rule. 
What SPDC is doing now? SPDC arrested thousands of  NLD members and
forced the remainders to resign, forced closure of NLD offices all over
the country and lied to the world that these activities were voluntary. I
do not think that a single human being with normal thinking will beleive
that. At the same time SPDC is preparing for the major offensive against
the minority resistant groups and  the innocent minority villagers will
suffer the most with heavy casuality from land mines and cross fire.. 

                     Well, one thing that stir my mind and interest me
recently is when Asia Week interviewed SPDC foreign minister U Win Aung
on December 25, 1998. Question: "Suu Kyi 's NLD massively won the
1990election, proving the people support her, not you." and the answer is
" Let us not look back to a long time ago. We can not live in the past.
Right now we are marching on the right tract.." Is that so His Excellency

U Win Aung? May I also answer the question on top of your answer. A
creditor will not let his/her debtor go unless the debtor paid up his/her
debt or the creditor write off the debt. Your Excellency, together with
SPDC owed  NLD for 1990 election to honor it and 
you have not done any thing to pay  up your due yet. Unless the NLD say
that we will contest in another election, you still owe your due till it
is paid up.
Another question is where is the present and the future that you are on
the Right Tract?
Under SPDC rule I do not see majority of the people in Burma earn decent
wages yet. They have become so poor and miserable that in desperation
they flee the country only to end up as refugees and falling prey to
cunning business men in sex industry. Dear U Win Aung, there is nothing
to be proud of our people especially the young and under age girls who
have become prostitute because of SPDC misruling of the country.
                   As mentioned earlier, SPDC is trying to unite the
country by force and in modern day era it will not only be unsuccessful,
it will also increase animosity between Burman people and ethnic
minorities and create more problem for future democretic Government.
There is alternative to unite the country and it is only by dailogue and
negotiation . In making negotiation also precondition should not be set
and negotiators 
should have sincere attitude as well. You can not negotiate with attitude
of " I' i do it my way and I do not care what ever other persons want to
say.". There are many experts in the world who are willing to get
involved and want to land a helping hand.  In my view what the SPDC need
to do is recognize the organization which the people respct and trust
instead of trying to divide them and negotiate with them till concensus
is reached. 
In this way true reconciliation can be obtained and all the refugee
problem can be solved easily and the people of Burma can start a new life
in the beginning of twenty first century.  On the other hand if SPDC
continue its heavy handed rule and trying not to listen to any body the
country will only lead to disintegration and no body  wil benifit from
it. For simple example: When minority people were not fully united SPDC
benefitted from making separate cease fire and extracted natural
resourses from minority areas. 
With the sale of natural resources SPDC bought  arms and built arm
factories to use to quell the minority groups which did not sign cease
fire agreement. Again when you look further to a larger picture, due the
disunity of SPDC and the minority groups China, Singapore and even Israel
half way the globe benefitted for the sale of arms and building of arms
factories. What do the SPDC and the Minority people get?. minority people

bear the brunt of the Burma Army and the SPDC has become the out cast of
International communities in the civilized world. 
Dear General Than Shwe, General Khin Nyunt, General Maung Aye and the
rest of SPDC members, I am not a politician and I do not have the arts of
statesmanship to 
enable me to persuade you. I am not affiliated to any political
organization and I do not  posses the political clout to pressure you. I
also gain nothing and loose nothing to tell 
the truth and make honest suggestion. As odinary citizen I earnestly
appeal to you all to reconsider your hard line stance and resort to
moving forward to true and meaningful rconciliation so that  we will all
have "WIn  WIn" situation and all My beloved countrymen will enjoy the
fruits of Independence which we have yearned for 50 long years. 

                                            Saw Aung Khin..         

Saw Aung Khin

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