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TOTAL: The Gas Market (Europe 2020)


Remember, nothing is going to stop these oil and gas companies
except you.

This is from last may, but its good for the next twenty years, and  you
might not have seen it ; what it does show is how the companies
interlock again, oil and gas companies, and here we have Total Fina
(Elf) and Technip (French and run by former head of Total Exploration
and Production, and the forrmer head of Technip is now head of Elf.
Okay, got it. Well, look here and you see another reason why Total Fina
wants Burmese Gas - easier to transport gas to Asia, then from Nigeria,
where gas is going to Europe) Why, these are plans for consumption
requirements to cover the next twenty years. 

Now two new top people in Total Fina board of management directors are
back from Argentina. Look at the great Argentina democracy today. They
have political elites. Where are the elites in Burma ? Look at China,
they got elites, party elites, but they dont get democracy. Too much of
a luxury for one fifth of the world population. Now look at Burmese
generals. Do you think they are going to hand over power, to elites,
there are not enough distanced from the SPDC corruption, or to the
millions of people ? Of course not.  And Total and the French
governement want the gas a lot more than they want democracy in Burma. 

Now, the MPs in the French parliament know this, and it frustrates its
authors. Which is why madame Aubert slammed the french govt foreign
minister vedrine this week over sleeping with dictators, Jiang in
Chirac' s bed, and prostituting France. As did Noël Mamère, another MP.
Madame Aubert has not turned her back after meeting Daw Aung San Suu
Kyi, and she appears openly disgusted by the French political line of
support for dictators to sell, what, 4 Airbuses to China, 100 Alstom
diesel locomotives to  Iran, and you now, Total recently started pumping
oil in it Sirri A field in the Persian Gulf at some 65 meters deep, some
7 000 barrels a day, from three wells, and expectes 11 wells puming 20
000 barels a day. The world consumes roughly between one and two million
barrels a day. 

So, think about it. Rising consumption, Total wants the gas and oil, to
meet demand. And no elites in Burma. That is why Total supports the
dictators. Easy, cheap gas. Which is why Mme Aubert and others are fed
up with the human rights rhetoric here. Buy Bye Burmese gas. Why, look
at Burma today, dont expect development. That's a sad joke without
democracy. Only the rich will get rich and when its time to go, with
bang or a whimper, they go. No institutions of democracy, no democracy,
no foundation for it. No political will, all suppressed. And the French
embassy is doing its best to see that it continues this way. 

Let me to tell you one thing more, and it was mentioned briefly, buried
in Le Monde yesterday in a story about the anti Jiang dissidents, and
the anti Khatami demonstrations. The french paramilitary police cleaned
up the streets, one kid in Lyon was taken straight to jail, why, he was
wearing a t-shirt with TIBET on it ! Others were severely beaten, for
doing what, demonstrating that they are free, a constitutional right
here, ursurped by the friend of the dictators. So you wonder why, Dawn
Star has been harping so long about the French in Burma, and bashing
away at Total, while other never did. Well now, you see, with TOTAL FINA
ELF, which is bound to become legal in February 2000, there was no other
route, no other way, no third path. 

TOTAL FINA and the French government are crushing dissent here in France
to pave the way for the dictators to come and go as they please.  And
they can continue to come and go as they want, right straight here to
Paris, or any European capital, as far as it stands today. Isnt that
correct ?

My french friends at the demonstrations were taken away by the police,
roughly, and not tenderly. So the French pay take away the Legion
d'Honor Medal from the Nazi convicted french collaborator and former
functionary, as they did only a few days ago, after he was finally sent
to prison -he could keep it even long after he was condamned by the
French court, and is now in jail for having sent some 1600 jews to nazi
death camps, but even now Jospin, in Martinique and Guadeloup,
arrogantly shouted down a speaker during a debate, an open debate,
telling him and everyone " Respect for the rights of State is a value
for everyone. " (Le repect de l'Etat de droit, c'est valable pour
tous.(...) Dont come here to question the bureaucrats. " Well, thats not
so, Mr Jospin, not in  Burma, not with TOTAL and the French governemnt.
And I suppose, Papon could leave fifty years of freedom and enjoy his
rôle as a French functionary, with the respect of you and other french
citizens - until finally others resisted. 

Total Fina is now shifting its generals at the top, with younger blood.
You can count on them to 
keep on doing the dirty business for years to come. They learned that
much in South Africa and Argentina. And they are at the top now in the
company management direction.


La Tribune

GAZ ? Shell, Elf et Agip vont investir 2 milliards de dollars au Nigeria
La Tribune 99/03/05

Le contrat comprend la construction d'une usine de liquéfaction de gaz,
les installations de récupération et la commande de deux méthaniers. Le
gaz est destiné à l'Espagne et au Portugal. 

L'Union européenne devrait plus que doubler ses importations de gaz
d'ici à 2020.

Ce n'est pas encore le vaste projet de 8,5 milliards
de dollars (7,8 milliards d'euros, 51 milliards de francs) annoncé par
Royal Dutch Shell au Nigeria. Mais c'est un début. La compagnie
nigériane NLNG (Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas dans laquelle Shell joue
un rôle important) a décidé d'équiper son usine de Bonny (Etat de
Rivers) d'un troisième " train " de liquéfaction de gaz naturel, selon
une source proche du dossier. 

Le montant du contrat est proche de 1 milliard de dollars (0,9 milliard
d'euros, 6,6 milliards de francs)
pour la seule usine de liquéfaction. Au total, le projet atteindra un
peu plus de 2 milliards de dollars (1,8 milliard d'euros). Il comprend
aussi la construction pour 750 millions de dollars (695 millions
d'euros) des installations nécessaires à la récupération du gaz "
associé " : il s'agit du gaz produit avec le pétrole et qui, faute
d'équipements, était jusqu'ici " torché ". Par ailleurs, NLNG devrait
passer commande de deux méthaniers de 138.000 mètres cubes (320
millions de dollars) pour acheminer le gaz liquéfié vers l'Europe.
Pourparlers. La décision n'a pas été facile à prendre : il aura fallu
une réunion non-stop de cinq jours du conseil d'administration, révèle
Pierre Terzian directeur de la revue Pétrostratégies, avant d'arriver
à un accord. En effet, si la consommation de gaz progresse vite, les
prix sont orientés à la baisse, ce qui n'est guère favorable. Mais
surtout les quatre actionnaires de NLNG la société d'Etat nigériane
NNPC pour 49 %, Shell pour 25,6 %, Elf (15 %) et Agip (10,4 %) n'ont
pas réussi à trouver des acheteurs pour la totalité de la production
de l'usine. Or les producteurs détestent se lancer dans des
investissements de cette envergure sans s'en être auparavant assuré
les débouchés sur vingt ou vingt-cinq ans. La capacité de la nouvelle
installation atteindra 3,9 milliards de mètres cubes par an dans un
premier temps, ce qui porterait la capacité totale de l'usine de Bonny
à 11,7 milliards de mètres cubes par an. La société espagnole Gas
Natural s'est déjà engagée à acheter 2,7 milliards de mètres cubes par
an. Le Portugal devrait à son tour souscrire un contrat d'enlèvement
portant sur 1 milliard de mètres cubes par an. Le gouvernement
portugais qui avait annulé in extremis, voilà six ans, un projet de
construction, avec Gaz de France, d'un terminal gazier semble
aujourd'hui s'en mordre les doigts et étudie un nouveau projet qui
pourrait déboucher prochainement. 

Reprise de la consommation.

Le contrat d'ingénierie préliminaire a déjà été attribué au consortium
TSKJ composé du français Technip, de l'italien Snamprogetti, de
l'américain Kellogg et du japonais JGC. Ce consortium avait construit
les deux premières unités pour 2 milliards de dollars (1,8 milliard
d'euros), le montant total des investissements sur la première partie
du projet atteignant 5,2 milliards de dollars (4,8 milliards d'euros).

Alors que l'enlèvement de la première cargaison de gaz liquéfié
nigérian doit avoir lieu le 1er octobre 1999, Technip et ses associés
au sein de TSKJ pourraient se voir attribuer, dans les prochains
jours, la suite des travaux pour un montant de 1,75 milliard de
dollars (1,6 milliard d'euros). Malgré les quelques incertitudes qui
règnent encore sur ce projet, son avenir semble assuré : la
consommation de gaz en Europe connaît une progression galopante. La
demande devrait progresser de 45 % d'ici à 2020 et l'Union européenne
multiplier par 2,5 ses importations de gaz d'ici là, selon l'organisme
européen Eurogas.