Back Pack Jungle Medics Treating IDPs in Burma?s Conflict Zones: Interview with Saw Win Kyaw


"The Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT) is a multi-ethnic community-based organisation that has been providing primary healthcare in the conflict and rural areas of Burma for over 15 years. The teams deliver a wide range of primary healthcare programs to a target population of over 200,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable community members who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The BPHWT encourages and employs a long-term sustainable community-managed approach where health services are requested by communities and the health workers are chosen by, live in, and work for their respective communities. The BPHWT?s work is highly organised and they work in close cooperation with a range of other health actors and ethnic organisations based on the border and inside Burma. Encouraged by recent changes and looking into a democratic Federal Union of Burma in the future, the BPHWT is currently discussing with other health CBOs and ethnic health organisations to converge the government healthcare system with the extensive border-based primary healthcare system. Despite these positive developments, progress is slow and the situation in Burma?s rural areas remains dire. Even if durable sustainable peace is achieved, the BPHWT will need to continue the provision of health services ?for at least another ten years?. While BPHWT?s health workers continue to risk their lives in providing primary health care for Burma?s most vulnerable people, one of the most significant challenges they have recently had to tackle is one sadly faced by many cross-border and border-based aid organisations: The donors are increasingly abandoning the border and moving to Yangon. In this in-depth interview, Saw Win Kyaw, the Director of the BPHWT, talks about the BPHWT?s activities, the convergence plans, their dreams and goals, fears and roadblocks, as well as the challenges and difficulties faced by jungle medics in Burma?s conflict zones."


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