ILC 2000, 88th Session: Report of the ILO technical cooperation mission to Myanmar


Provisional Record 8. Report of the ILO technical cooperation mission to Myanmar, 23-27 May 2000. The Mission's Conclusions (extract): "...Firstly, the mission believes that the Commission of Inquiry?s recommendations could be satisfied in a coherent and practical way if a comprehensive framework of legislative, executive, and administrative measures were adopted: i.rendering all practices constituting forced labour in the sense of Convention No. 29 illegal under national law, and ensuring that all legislative provisions in force that permit the imposition of forced labour are repealed or appropriately amended; specific instructions to the state authorities, and notably to the responsible military authorities, regarding the consequences to be drawn from the above as regards the various forms of work mentioned in the Commission?s report, and monitoring their application, so that in practice no forced or compulsory labour is imposed by any authority; iii.informing the entire population adequately and completely about the above measures as well as the penalties applicable pursuant to section 374 of the Penal Code to all those imposing forced labour; and taking concrete action to ensure that these penalties are strictly applied in practice. Secondly, as the Myanmar authorities were told by the mission, the Office could certainly help formulate and implement such a framework if the Government?s commitment to take expeditious action to this effect was made sufficiently clear in the eyes of the Conference..."


International Labour Office

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