ILC 2012 (101st Session): Report of the subcommittee [of the Selection Committee] on the review of measures previously adopted by the Conference to secure compliance by Myanmar with the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry


General discussion...Consideration of the draft resolution...Appendix: Resolution concerning the measures on the subject of Myanmar adopted under article 33 of the ILO Constitution.....The resolution lifts most of the measures imposed in 2000 apart from the most substantive of these, Article 1(b) [which reads: "to recommend to the Organization?s constituents as a whole – governments, employers and workers – that they: (i) review, in the light of the conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry, the relations that they may have with the member State concerned and take appropriate measures to ensure that the said Member cannot take advantage of such relations to perpetuate or extend the system of forced or compulsory labour referred to by the Commission of Inquiry, and to contribute as far as possible to the implementation of its recommendations; and (ii) report back in due course and at appropriate intervals to the Governing Body] [which is suspended for a year, to be reviewed in 2013.


International Labour Office (PR 2-4)

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