Permanent Peoples? Tribunal (Wikipedia)


"...The Permanent Peoples? Tribunal (TPP)[2] was formally born in Bologna in 1979 as a direct continuation of the experience of the Russell Tribunal II with Latin American dictatorships (1974-1976), promoted by Lelio Basso[3] to denounce the crimes committed by the military regimes of the region. The will of the people and the victims of Latin America, the changed the occasional nature of Russell Court and it became a permanent forum of complaint for communities experiencing the absence and impotence of international law. Therefore, the TPP is a grass-root initiative and the result of the need to create an independent tool for researching and analysing for the cognitive, cultural and doctrinal development needed to start the process of liberation and justice of the people. The TPP?s work is characterised by its subsidiary nature. Just as the Russell Tribunal, the existence of the Permanent People?s Tribunal is due, even today, to the absence of a competent international court to rule on the allegations and claims of individuals conceived in their collective dimension. In its decisions, the PPT goes beyond the recognition of criminal responsibility in order to produce truth, memory and moral reparation..."



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