Report of Fifth CDA/CEP Visit to the Yadana Pipeline Myanmar/Burma February 9‐17 2008 in Myanmar/Burma February 18 in Bangkok, Thailand


"...In the spirit of collaborative learning, CEP has engaged with Total over a period of six years, visiting (among others) the Yadana pipeline joint venture project in Myanmar/Burma in October 2002, May 2003, November-December 2003, and April- May 2005. The Reports of these site visits are available on CDA?s web site. Building on these visits and pursuing the issues raised in the previous Reports, Mary B. Anderson, Executive Director of CDA1 and Brian Ganson, independent consultant, carried out a fifth in-country visit to Total and the Yadana Project between February 9 and February 19, 2008. The purpose of this trip, as with all CEP field visits, was to examine and report on the interaction between corporate operations and the lives of people in the pipeline corridor, as well as to assess the impacts of the corporate presence and operations on the wider context of Myanmar/Burma. Specifically, the focus in the pipeline area was to follow up on findings from previous CEP visits that raised concerns about village dependency on Total and the non-sustainability of the Socio-Eco projects when Total ultimately leaves the region. The focus of this trip with regard to the broader society was to consider how the changing environment of recent months has shaped the working environment for Total and the Yadana Project. Because in examining the operations of the Joint Venture Project, we engaged with the operational partner, Total, we consistently refer in this report to Total?s actions and impacts. However, our observations and analyses concern all the joint venture partners: Total, Unocal/Chevron, MOGE and PTTEP2. This Report begins with an Introduction in which we outline the approach and process of the field visit team. Section I covers the findings with regard to impacts in the pipeline corridor, the defined geographical region that encompasses the gas pipeline where Total conducts a Socio-Eco program in support of the twenty-five villages in the area. Section II of the Report then examines the broader context of Myanmar/Burma and considers how the ongoing presence and operations of Total and its partners in this context affect broader social and economic welfare..."


Mary B. Anderson, Brian Ganson


Collaborative for Development Action/Collaborative Learning Projects/Corporate Engagement Project

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