"The New Light of Myanmar" 25 September 2007


State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee has duty to reinforce and observe basic principles and rules and regulations and implement religious matters - The directives state all the rules and regulations for the monks prohibiting them from participating in secular affairs;Sayadaws of monasteries are requested to give ovada to their disciples to stay away from forming, joining or supporting any illegal Sangha organization; Text of Directives 93 85, 81 and 65 [relating to the Sangha]; Minister welcomes Indian Oil and Gas Minister; AKADEMIE In-Country Course On Reporting for Radio opened; Medical students visit MMCWA; Two severely injured in mine blasts in Kyaukkyi, Htantabin; Internal and external destructionists do not even spare the religion if it is in their interest; Myanmar is a true Theravada Buddhist country and it is famous for keeping the teachings of the Buddha by members of the Sangha and disciples; All members of the Sangha to strictly follow directives articulated in Directive Nos 81, 83, 85 and 65, not to commit any activities that are not related to Gantha Dhura and Vipassana Dhura - Magway Sayadaw gives Ovada to members of the Sangha; Letter of complaint from Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jotipala of Kyakhatwaing Monastery in Bago to Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command about damage of some buildings in Kyakhatwaing Monastery due to destruction of protesters comprising about 350 monks and 50 members of National League for Democracy Party - NLD; Tasks of Myanmar Info-tech inspected; Progress of Bago River Bridge (Kawa), Sittoung Bridge (Moppalin) inspected; OWC holds ceremony to donate medicines and cash;Root cause of problems is perpetration of internal and external destructionists, who are jealous of national development and stability - Some global powers in collusion with group of destructioninsts from inside the nation inciting disturbances; Failure to observe or obey any stipulations, rules and regulations and the Dhamma order to be met with action; "Bring honour to motherland through sports" ["Perspectives"];


SPDC (News and Periodical Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar)

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