WHO Research tools


Library database (WHOLIS): "WHOLIS is the World Health Organization library database available on the web. WHOLIS indexes all WHO publications from 1948 onwards and articles from WHO-produced journals and technical documents from 1985 to the present. An on-site card catalogue provides access to the pre-1986 technical documents"... A guide to statistical information at WHO (WHOSIS): A guide to epidemiological and statistical information available from WHO. Most WHO technical programmes develop health-related epidemiological and statistical information which they make available on the WHO website. The WHOSIS will help you to find it: - WHOSIS; - Burden of disease statistics; - WHO mortality database; - Statistical annexes of the World Health Report; - Statistics by disease or condition; - Health personnel; - External sources for health-related statistical information; WHO family of international classifications: - The international statistical classification of diseases; - International classification of functioning, disability and health; - Disability assessment schedule II (WHODAS II)... Geographical information tools: - Communicable disease surveillance and response: public health mapping; - Evidence and information for health policy: GIS; - Global health atlas; - PAHO/AMRO SIG-Epi... Media centre: - Multimedia Page: audio, video, photos... WHO collaborating centres: - WHO collaborating centres database.


World Health Organization (WHO)

Date of entry: 



  • Websites/Multiple Documents



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