Health Education

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: "Bordered by China, Thailand, India, Laos PDR and Bangladesh, Myanmar?s uninterrupted coastline extends more than 1900 kilometres along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. Home to more than 60 million people, Myanmar is undergoing significant economic, social and political change since the easing of international trade and economic sanctions. In 2000, the World Health Organization ranked the Myanmar (Burma) among the lowest of 190 countries for their health systems. The relatively poor health infrastructure in Myanmar coupled with a very low GDP spend on health care (below 3%), basic road infrastructure and rural services, there are significant challenges to effective health services delivery. Major health challenges facing the country according to the World Health Organization include: -Low life expectancy rates- 63 years for a male and 67 years for a female; - High mortality for children under five years (62 per 1,000 live births); -High maternal mortality rate (200 per 100,000 live births); -Incidence of malaria per 100,000 population is 3180; -75 per cent of the population lives in high malaria prevalence areas; -High TB burden – more than 300,000 cases of tuberculosis with a five per cent MDR-TB rate; -High HIV burden – more than 240,000 cases with an estimated 10 per cent co-infection of HIV/tuberculosis; -Widespread poverty, lack of proper sanitation and water supply, malnutrition and poor health awareness"...
Source/publisher: Burnet Institute Myanmar
Date of entry/update: 2014-09-27
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Link to the Health Promotion, Education and Training section of the Online Burma/Myanmar Library. This includes 40 issues of the Burmese and English magazine, "Health Messenger"
Source/publisher: Online Burma/Myanmar Library
Date of entry/update: 2011-01-13
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Burmese
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Individual Documents

Description: "Mung Do, 25, is a youth leader at the UNFPA-supported Woi Chyai Youth Centre in Woi Chyai in Kachin State, a non-government controlled area at the heart of a decades-long armed conflict. Isolated from the world, youth in Kachin grow up in an opportunities vacuum often filled with exploitation, insecurity and displacement. “There is a beautiful saying in Myanmar that youth are the brightest stars of the nation,” said Mung Do. “But until young people know their own potential, and know what their rights are, this proverb means nothing.” Adolescents in Kachin, he explained, are at a particularly great risk of being exposed to alcohol, drugs, gambling and brawls and other hazards in their environment, “unless they find somewhere to go and something meaningful to do on a daily basis.” Practicing what you learn Millions of young people in Myanmar are profoundly affected by armed conflict. They grow up in communities that have been torn apart, their voices are unheard, and their potential is overlooked. Even if they migrate out of conflict areas as young adults, their high school diplomas are often not valid to enter university, hampering their career prospects. And even if they know their rights, they start at a huge disadvantage..."
Source/publisher: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Date of entry/update: 2019-10-22
Type: Individual Documents
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