Laws, decrees, bills and regulations relating to labour (commentary)

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: Several hundred documents on the labour situation in Burma/Myanmar - Observations of the Committee of Experts, International Labour Conference and Governing Body debates and documents etc.
Source/publisher: Online Burma/Myanmar Library
Date of entry/update: 2013-04-28
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English (French and Spanish also available)
Description: See also the main OBL section on the ILO
Source/publisher: International Labour Office
Date of entry/update: 2013-04-28
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English (French and Spanish also available)
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Individual Documents

Description: Concluding remarks: "The Committee fully endorses the conclusions concerning Myanmar made by the Conference Committee and the Governing Body, as well as the general evaluation of the forced labour situation by the ILO Liaison Officer. The Committee welcomes the positive developments, such as submission to Parliament of the draft legislation repealing the Towns Act and the Village Act of 1907; the expanded awareness-raising activities; the improvements in dealing with under-age recruitment by the military, including release of children and imposition of disciplinary and penal sanctions on military personnel; cooperation in the functioning of the SU complaints mechanism and its further extension for another year. However, the Committee observes that, in spite of the efforts made towards the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry, the Government has not yet fully implemented these recommendations. Besides the steps taken towards the amendment of the legislation, the Government still has to ensure that, in actual practice, forced labour is no longer imposed by the authorities, in particular by the military; and it still has to ensure that penalties for the exaction of forced labour under the Penal Code are strictly enforced against civil and military authorities. While noting the positive developments referred to above, the Committee urges the Government to redouble its efforts towards the full implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry, by implementing the concrete practical requests addressed by the Committee to the Government. It expresses the firm hope that all the necessary measures will be taken without delay to achieve full compliance with the Convention, both in law and in practice, so as to ensure that all use of forced or compulsory labour in Myanmar is completely eliminated."
Source/publisher: International Labour Office
Date of entry/update: 2012-03-05
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
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