Martial Arts

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Description: "...Burma, officially Myanmar, is a relatively small South East Asian country, bordering Laos, Bangladesh, India, China and Thailand. With almost 56 million people, it is the 25th most populous country in the world. Bordering relatively larger and more influential nations, Burma has absorbed much from its neighbors. Like its cuisine, the martial arts of Burma have been influenced by India, China and Thailand. What?s interesting about Burmese martial arts is that they represent the diverse gamut of martial arts, constituting combat sports, ?traditional” approaches, weapons, striking and grappling. Burmese martial arts, in the West, are usually known by the term ?bando.” However, the Burmese term for its collection of martial arts is ?thaing.” Bando is the proper name for one particular martial art, which, from the outside, seems to have absorbed a great deal from Chinese Kung Fu. Burmese Bando fits the description of what is considered a traditional martial art. Training is done using solo forms, two person forms and sparring. Like kung fu, the forms are based on the movements of animals: the monkey, bull, cobra, panther and eagle. Burmese Bando fighting techniques revolve around a three pronged approach to defense: evading the attack, angular reentry with strikes, followed by a joint lock or take down. Burmese Bando also features weapons training in knives, sticks, spears and swords..."
Pedro Olavarria
Source/publisher: FIGHTLAND BLOG
Date of entry/update: 2016-05-01
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts
Language: English
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Description: "... Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) borders India, China and Thailand. As a result, it possesses a rich martial arts heritage. As with the fabled Shaolin Temple of China, Buddhist monks from India introduced martial arts into Myanmar a thousand years ago. Later, Chinese styles filtered their way south, merging with earlier influences to form the martial body of knowledge collectively known as Thaing. Thaing includes both unarmed arts, of which Bando is the most widely known, as well as arts of the sword, staff, spear and short sticks, Banshay. Other unarmed arts include Naban or Burmese wrestling, Lethwei or Burmese kick boxing and Thaing Byaung Byan originated from Shan State. Bando Philosophy "No system is completely unique. No system is completely independent from external and internal influences. Every system evolves over time by integration, modification and restructuring, resulting in what we then call "uniqueness." Overtime, this unique system will also change." [His Holiness the Venerable Amarapura Sayadaw, 1910] Lord Mountbatten, then the High Commissioner of His Majesty?s Imperial and Colonial Forces in Asia, attended one of the club?s tournaments in 1937, and after seeing the bouts, he made his historic remark, "Beautifully brutal art...I?m happy they are on our side." General Orde Wingate called the members of this private military club, "Bando Bastards."...
Source/publisher: Combat Bando
Date of entry/update: 2016-05-01
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts
Language: English
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Description: "... Lethwei is a Burmese fighting style which is slightly similar to Muay Boran (a banned and brutal type of Muay Thai) also know as Burmese kickboxing or Myanmar traditional boxing. It originzted in Burma (Myanmar) and is many ways similar to its cousins from neighobring Southeast Asian countries such as Tomoi from Malaysia, Pradal Serey from Campodia, Lao boxing from Laos and Muay Thai from Thailand..." *More info, see the following search link:,ssl&ei=TX4lV4yLLsuLuwTKw63ACQ#q=myanmar+lethwei&start=0
Source/publisher: Full Contact Martial Arts
Date of entry/update: 2016-05-01
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts, Sports
Language: English
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Description: "... Myanmar possesses a rich martial arts heritage. The martial arts was introduced into Myanmar almost 2000 years ago. Ancient writings reveal that as far back as the time of King Anawrahta (1044 - 77 A.D.) Buddhist monks were teaching the secrets of breath-control and mediation practice in addition to the principle of yielding of force ? a principle that is found in arts like tai chi, aikido, and even judo. Myanmar?s Martial art was named as Thaing. Thaing Thaing is a Burmese term used to classify the indigenous martial systems of ancient Myanmar. The word "Thaing" loosely translates to "total combat". There are many different forms of Thaing in Myanmar. Generally known to have originated in Northern Shan areas, it is known there as Shan Thaing. The traditional Myanmar Nantwin or The Royal Thaing has been kept secret among the practitioners who choose their students very carefully. There also is a technique known as Thaing byaungbyan or The Reversed form of Thaing, which became well-known among the public. It is a unique fighting art of mysterious origin. ..."
Source/publisher: Myanmars Net
Date of entry/update: 2016-05-01
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts
Language: English
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Description: The traditional martial arts are an aspect of Burmese culture that has been virtually ignored by Burma scholars. Yet these martial arts have a rich heritage dating back to the early days of Burma. Historic events, religion, political necessities, and, more have shaped them recently into economic realities. The traditional martial art came close to extinction during the British colonial period, but was revived during the Japanese occupation. In past times, they were utilized for warfare and self-defense. Today the self-defense element remains, while the combat element has been transformed into sports and artistic cultural expression. The present economic conditions and the spread of foreign martial arts pose a current threat to the survival of the Burmese traditional martial arts and require the attention of Burma scholars to document this important component of the historic cultural identity of Burma.
Michael Martin
Source/publisher: Journal of Burma Studies Vol. 6 (2001)
Date of entry/update: 2009-03-07
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts
Language: English
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Description: Kampfkünste aus Myanmar und das unbekannte Thaing Byaung Pyan,welches ursprünglich nur Shan Prinzen unterrichtet wurde. key words: martial arts, shan
Soe Moe Oo und Khin Myo Yu, Deutsch von Manuela Volkmann
Source/publisher: Südostasien Jg. 20, Nr. 2 - Asienhaus
Date of entry/update: 2005-03-01
Type: Individual Documents
Category: Martial Arts
Language: Deutsch, German
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