Myanmar Statistical Information Service (MMSIS)


"The Myanmar Information System (MMSIS) is a web-based national database of statistics about Myanmar developed by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO). This national statistical database is developed through a "project of capacity building through IT based statistical data management in Myanmar" supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The MMSIS is designed to provide statistical data and metadata to the public. It is meant to respond to the growing demands of data users for various statistics that describe socio-economic conditions in Myanmar, at national and sub-national levels, across various periods. At present, official statistics are produced by the CSO, as well as other statistical line agencies comprising the Myanmar National Statistical System (NSS). In addition, the private sector also collects statistical information. The MMSIS is an online ?one-stop shop? of statistical data services that enables users to easily download information in Excel format, both in Myanmar and in English. This feature makes it convenient and simple for data users to obtain their required statistical information needs."


Central Statistical Organization (CSO)

Date of entry: 



  • Websites/Multiple Documents




